Your theme comes with some specially designed Widgets that you can place within your pages. By default, our installation script will attempt to pre-assign these widgets into the appropriate widget sidebars (according to our demonstration/example websites). You are free to reconfigure, disable, delete, or move these widgets as you require.
Included Widgets
- LM*Feature Page: Displays a box with an image (if a featured image is specified for your page) of the specified page, along with the page title and description. Handy for showcasing products or services!
- LM*Recent Posts/News: A combo widget which provides a choice of different summary components. The Recent Posts shows a list (with small thumbnail) of your recent posts, whereas the Recent News configuration shows larger images, in columns — if an odd number of posts are displayed, the first one will display as a full width feature item.
- LM*Twitter Feed: Renders the standard twitter feed for your specified twitter username.
- LM*Unstylized Text Box: This allows you to place any bit of text or html within a box that is not pre-styled by the wordpress system. Very handy in situations such as banner advertisements.
Test Widget